Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas Prayer

Dear God, This is such a busy time of year. People are traveling, finishing up year-end business records and reports, visiting friends and family, celebrating Christmas and the New Year. I pray that during this time of preparation and cheer, You will cover us with a blanket of protection. I pray that you will grant safe travels to those who are driving, riding, flying around their neighborhoods, across the country, and throughout the world. I pray that you will give peace, comfort, and joy to all who are your children and fill our hearts with praise and rejoicing in the spirit over the reason for this season of celebration. I pray that we, your children, would be the shining examples of your love and Christian living before the world, especially now. I pray that personal and business affairs would be conducted with integrity...and that as we are blessed, we would be a blessing to others. I pray that the lost will see Jesus and be drawn unto you. Thank you, Father, for watching over us, being with us, and loving us in spite of ourselves. You are merciful and worthy of our praise. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen

Saturday 10 December 2011

My Birthday today ( Greatful to my creator and saviour)

Years ago when I was under my parents care , God were not in the picture especially my father but I thanked and praise God even to remember the childhood not a perfect upbringing because my father used to drink alcohol almost eveyday but praise God for those years of soul searching what is really the purpose of my life . I thank God for showing me and continues working with my imperfection . I have house to live and comfort , job with a moderate decent income  to earn money to survive daily, family to share pain and blessings . What a mixture of may years painful testing and result of spiritual blessings to know him and God continues His work in my life and my family. Why Do my soul not thirst of the living God ? Is it because of daily task and care of the world ? Find myself bewilderred many times and kneeling down before my saviour and asking His forgiveness and to touch my imperfect heart constantly . I felt good whenever I face Him with all my heart without any doubts that He loves me, cares , provides for me and reassure me that He knows everything within me and I can not hide myself from Him. Anyway because it is my birthday today I need to thank my father and my mother becuase those imperfection they loved me and gave me life and praise God by the end they knew God and those imperfection were already removed by GOD becuase they repented and accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour and both my parents are enjoying their saviour in heaven .THANK GOD AND PRAISE YOU LORD OF MY LIFE BECAUSE you are giving me  another year to live .

Saturday 3 December 2011

Painful changes in our life

I am bewiderred when I am confronted with changes but I need to trust my savior that He is working for my best and the best that He is the only one who knows , sometimes we may say to Him  what is happening Lord ? If we ask Him with all our heart He will give us his reason may not be right away so need to TRUST HIM & OBEY . I know it is difficult to do it if we only depend on ourlseves . My friends keep this in our mind Focus on Him ( JESUS is the reason for this Christmas if ever you are facing major decision or changes this coming Holiday and new year ) If you are facing painful changes during this Christmas season . We need to remember that JESUS is the light of the world ( John 8:12). Although You and I may experience difficulties and dark moments , Christ light the way for us. He assures us that if we faithfully walk with Him, we will not remain in darkness. the savior will illuminate our paths and lead us to the answers we need . God Bless you all. Painful changes in our life may finally a blessing if we let Him be our GOD.

Saturday 26 November 2011

God has so much to speak into our life

But if we don't draw apart from our busyness of our day and spend time alone with Him in quietness and solitude ,We will not bear it. Jesus Himself spent much time alone with God. If anyone could get away with not doing it, surely it would have been Him. How much more important must it be for us?
I know finding quiet time alone can be difficult. But if you will make it a priority by setting aside a specific time to pray and read the Word of God each day, perhaps writing it in your calendar the way you would any other appointment with God, you will see answers to your prayers like never before.

Lord , I seek You today. I know I will never be happy until I make You the source of my fulfillment and the answer to my every need. you are my life and the only one who has any power over my soul. I look to You for strenght and everyday I put all my expectations in You. In Jesus' name I pray.

Psalm 20:4
May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your

Saturday 19 November 2011

A Life time of surrender

You may be thinking I gave my life to Christ years ago; tell me something new.
Here's what's new for many, That initial surrender to Christ ( which we often refer to as the point of salvation) was not the end of the story . In fact, it was really the starting place .
That point of surrender simply set the stage for a lifetime of surrender .Having surrendered our lives to Christ as Saviour and Lord . we must now learn what it means to live out a surrendered life- to continually say no to self and yes to GOD.
Many christians live perpetually discouraged, defeated lives because they have never realized ( and therefore are not living out ) the implications of their initial surrender to Christ . Having once surredered control of their lives to Chrsit, they have reverted to trying to manage their own lives . As a result , they are living out of alignment with the Lord who created , redeemed, and owns them.
It may be that even at this moment you are living in a chapter called "Unsurrendered." Oh, that may not describe your whole way of life-you can probably point to specific areas where you are obeying God. But could it be that there are some issues on which you are reserving the right to control your life?
taken from the book brokenness and surrender ( nancy leigh demoss) paged 143 to 144)

How to forgive myself

Hopefully, by now we all realize that struggling under self-condemnation is not the way of GOD wants us to live. But how can we change this habit?
1. Acknowledge: The first step is to recognize that you have not forgiven yourself . Face up to this fact, and begin to deal with the issue.
2.Repent: Tell the Lord that you realize that your self-condemnation is a sin. Then accept and thank him for his forgiveness.
3. Beleive God: Reaffirm your trust in the truth of scripture. God says he has removed your transgressions as far as the east is from the west.
4. Choose forgiveness : Based on God's word, by an act of your will, in faith, choose to forgive yourself.

JESUS came to set the captives free (Luke 4:18) As you take hold of forgivenss and release your guilt, you'll walk out of that jail of self -condemnation in the the joy of abundant life.
Posted by tessjawdi at 05:45